Saturday, June 01, 2024

Are letter writer, candidate really Republicans?

| April 10, 2022 1:00 AM

In regard to Mary Ollie’s letter in support of Jim Woodward (Daily Bee, March 13), I recommend everyone take a closer look, not just at him but at her, too.

Through the years, I've read Ms. Ollie's numerous letters in the Daily Bee and Bonners Ferry Herald, and a variety of web outlets. She always claims to be a Republican with a caveat “but” since she thinks the GOP is mean-spirited, and doesn't represent her.

But closer to reality is Ollie is a special pleader for government schools and the Democrat establishment. And in a recent Kootenai Valley Times opinion piece, she begged us to “vote Trump out.” (KVT, Aug. 24, 2020)

Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should file a civil tort claim for whiplash.

In a letter published April 29 2021, Ollie indicated a type of repressed memory trauma from the McCarthy era and her father's "Bircher" days.

During the course of her "public service," she instructs us about civility and collectivism, and that we all need to abide by vaccine mandates. So I'm not surprised she endorsed Jim Woodward for the Idaho Senate because he's reasonable and just wants to have a conversation.

So behind an “R” she pushes a perennially place holder of which I suggest a better headline for her letter to read: “Support Woodward, man of half measures.”


Clark Fork