Saturday, June 01, 2024

Don't fall for the lies; support Woodward

| April 19, 2022 1:00 AM

Another day, another walk to the mailbox, another deceitful mailing from Scott Herndon. It takes time to look up the bills he mentions, but probably has not read, so I did it for you. And I quote:

“Jim supported teaching critical race theory. HB1193”

HB1193  provides funding for early childhood education. The content of that education isn't decided by the Idaho Department of Education, but by local collaboratives consisting of “parents/families, early childhood educators, a representative from the K-12 school district, and at least 3 community participants from public, private, non-profit, faith-based, government, healthcare or civic organizations”. Local control. Absolutely no mention of CRT or even ABCs.

“Jim supported mandatory sex ed” and Scott goes into rather prurient details I won't include. HB249.

The current code allows parents who do not want their children to learn human sexuality in school to sign a school district form to opt out. HB249 adds the provision that parents who do want their children to learn human sexuality will need to sign a form to opt in. Sounds to me like encouraging parents to be involved in their children's education.

Don't fall for the lies. Vote for Jim Woodward State Senate District 1.

And the next mailing you get from Scott? Look up the bills, be an informed voter.

