Saturday, June 01, 2024

Annual events have a way of keeping us honest

by PASTOR ANDY KENNALY Contributing Writer
| April 22, 2022 1:00 AM

Annual events have a way of keeping us honest as we revisit what we find important in life. After an entire year goes by, we assess how we did toward a particular focus. Maybe there’s room for improvement, or perhaps we nailed it better than we’d planned, and we have reason to celebrate.

For Christians, Easter is the ideal anniversary to claim life, joy, and peace. The Resurrection of Christ points to God’s abundant love shared with the world. When is Easter? It depends. Last Sunday was Easter for Christians in the western branch. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Easter comes this week. But rather than focus on dates and details, all Christians around the globe can claim deep unity through truths based on divine union and the ongoing, relentless qualities of God’s creative power.

Two other annual observations are among us in these weeks, especially for those in America. One is Earth Day, which is Friday, April 22. The other is the National Day of Prayer, scheduled for Thursday, May 5. Both events are calls to greater awareness of our interdependence. They are invitations to humility and a reminder of our reliance on grace for the journey of life.

As global citizens, residents of planet Earth, with every breath we are recipients of God’s gift of life in unique ways held in fragile balance. The early Church took shape as Christ’s Spirit blew peace into believers, a sound of a mighty wind moving among those gathered for Pentecost feasts and celebration. This gift continues to flow and shape a variety of missions, ministries, and visions that help us embody Christ’s calling as disciples.

For Christians, environmental stewardship takes the Incarnation seriously, claims a reverence for life beyond our individual perspectives, and guides proper care of the gifts of God. The larger Earth and other created beings are companions, subjects to commune with and learn from, rather than objects to be used.

The National Day of Prayer helps many people seek forgiveness for the ways we’ve failed others, ourselves, and fallen short of living into God’s intent, locally, nationally, and globally. Prayer is the original wireless connection. In prayer we find hope that is deeper than despair, and inspiration that’s stronger than guilt. Each deep breath of prayer offers freedom far more satisfying than limited ego gratification. Prayer calls us out of ourselves, while at the same time helps us go deeper into our true self, created in God’s image for genuine service to others. Prayer gives shape to our humble thanks.

Annual events remind and encourage us as we partner with the Living God in the Spirit’s ongoing mission. Some yearly events call for vocal expressions and active response, while others may need vigils of silence and concentrated awareness for the larger good. Whatever route is chosen, ripple effects spill out to the glory of God.

As we observe Earth Day and hear the call for National Day of Prayer, ask how God is using these events to remind you of what’s important. These annual celebrations offer to help express Easter joy and deepen grace-filled bonds of intertwined relationship. Allow God’s Spirit to flow through you to help light and life shine and flourish.

Pastor Andy Kennaly is pastor at First Presbyterian Church, 417 N. Fourth Ave., Sandpoint. He can be reached at or by phone at 208-263-2047.