Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon correct about Woodward's liberal record

| April 26, 2022 1:00 AM

I am responding to a letter by Susan Bates-Harbuck of April 19, in which she claims Scott Herndon's mailers about Jim Woodward contain false information.

She specifically mentions Senate Bill 1193, which Jim Woodward voted in favor of. It would have given $6 million to a non-profit organization called the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IDAEYC). IDAEYC encourages teachers to read “About Chris” to students age 5-7, a book on transgenderism.

IDAEYC also promotes “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism". According to their website, IDAEYC recommends “Anti-Bias” teacher training, which focuses on making white children aware of their supposedly inherent bias against black students. That is Critical Race Theory/CRT.

Ms. Bates-Harbuck also mentions House Bill 249 that passed the House with all of the Republicans voting in favor but was killed by Jim Woodward and the Democrats in the Senate Education committee. The bill's language shows it would have strengthened parental authority over sex ed topics like gender identity, homosexuality and eroticism.

I am not sure why Woodward's voting record is with the Democrats on these subjects, but Scott Herndon has accurately portrayed Woodward's liberal voting record on his mailers.

