Saturday, June 01, 2024

Do your research and be informed voter

| April 28, 2022 1:00 AM

The April 24 letter from Redoubt News writer Clark Gadson concerning North Idaho Voter Services is full of misinformation. His statements are wrapped in distortions and are a real insult to voters. Here’s the truth.

All candidates are listed on our website at Voters can see all candidates and their information, including their website links, responses to our questionnaire and press releases. We provide this information to help voters make informed decisions.

Independently, NIVS does endorse candidates with an eye to those we feel most qualified.

Our endorsements are the result of extensive research. We begin by looking at the job description of the position. Then we review candidate’s websites, their answers to a variety of questionnaires, and their community activities. We conduct background checks and we review campaign material for honesty. Some endorsements are difficult. However, most qualified candidates become readily apparent.

The May 17 primary will be the most important election of decades. Because of the closed Republican primary the only way to have a say is to register Republican. The unaffiliated ballot has no candidates, only judges. There is one contested race on the Democratic ballot.

North Idaho Voter Services stands behind our research. Please visit our website at and verify this information. Be an informed voter.

NIVS is registered with the Idaho SOS, where you can see our directors and other relevant organization information. Our research cannot find any credible information on Mr. Gadson’s Idaho True Conservatives.

