Saturday, June 01, 2024

Organized faiths are religions of enslavement

| August 7, 2022 1:00 AM

In reply to Monte Heil:

Since 1974 I have been a student of the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff who described his path as “Esoteric Christianity”. Gurdjieff taught that one must seek proof and not fall back on faith. Faith is for the weak/lazy as no "real work” is required.

Basically religion comes in two forms: the eXoteric (organized religion) and the eSoteric. The eXoteric is what devolves from the original eSoteric message. The eXoteric is the pedestrian/popular version (the fool’s gold) that is taught in churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.

The eSoteric is that which is hidden within the various eXoteric traditions and requires effort to mine its truths (the gold). Those of the various eSoteric traditions understand each other and know they are all talking about the same thing. They see each other as equals.

Those of the various eXoteric traditions have no idea or refuse to understand other religions. They see themselves as superior and prefer to see these “others” going to some imagined hell.

The eXoteric is the easier way as it simply requires blind faith and obedience to a clergy and religious dogma that does their thinking for ‘em, as they prefer to be told what to believe.

The eSoteric, on the other hand, is very hard as it requires a lot of skepticism, self examination, critical thinking and hard proof. Obviously the vast majority prefer the eXoteric way since it requires little effort and no critical thinking when compared to the eSoteric.

(For the word count you can cut it off here. I hope what follows is included)

The popular Christian understanding of Armageddon (Book of Revelation) is an excellent example of the difference between the eXoteric and the eSoteric.

The popular Christian understanding of Armageddon is an external event that happens at a particular place between certain entities. Christianity, in its eXoteric form, externalizes Armageddon.

Esoteric Christianity knows that Armageddon happens, if we are lucky, only within ourselves. It is an internal/mystical event. To get there requires tremendous effort, and how many of us are willing to go through the kind of self-examination and internal struggle that puts one in a living hell.

Nothing destroys spiritual growth more than organized religion.

In fact, the Judæo/Christian/Islamic religions have, and have had, no peers when it comes to doing this. And not only that, but have also been the best at destroying the lives of people who just want(ed) to be left alone.

Interestingly enough, the lives they have mostly destroyed have been each other’s.

Unfortunately there are those of us who want nothing to do with this Judæo/Christian/Islamic eXoteric insanity but often get caught in the crossfire. All too often these so called “religious people” go out of their way to make sure the “heretics” do get caught in the crossfire.

Organized religions are religions of enslavement; the eSoteric is the path to liberation.

Exoteric religions have their use. Ruling elites discovered centuries ago that eXoteric religions are a very useful tool for controlling and manipulating the masses. All one need do is look at what has happened to the Republican Party.

So if you don’t mind being controlled, manipulated and used by your eXoteric religion and by those who use it to do so, by all means stay with it. But if you want more, the eSoteric is there waiting for you. All you need do is to start looking for it.

