Saturday, June 01, 2024

Biden's advisors don't know anything

| August 16, 2022 1:00 AM

I see President Joe Biden and the Democrat leaders have passed a $700 Inflation Reduction Act bill that they say will reduce the deficit and bring down inflation. That is a phony statement, since when does spending more money, reduce a deficit or reduce inflation?

It is unbelievable that they go on to say that it will reduce inflation, which is a joke. The definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. It has been that way forever, so when they spent the $1.9 trillion spending program and then paid people to stay home, that was a leading cause of the current inflation. Another big cause, was him being tough on the oil industry, causing big increases in gas prices.

The first act that Biden did as president was to shut down the Keystone Pipeline then no drilling permits on federal lands, then lots of restrictions on current leases, and the list goes on. He has to have pretty dumb advisors, in my opinion.

When Bill Clinton was president, things didn’t go well initially, but he was smart enough to fire most all his advisors and bring in people who knew something. Biden needs to get rid of the dummies that he has as advisors and also get people who know something about economics, as they sure are out on a cloud somewhere dreaming.

As far as I know, he hasn’t fired one single one of them, yet people are facing higher prices where ever they go. He knows it, but doesn’t do the right things, he does the opposite. Sorry to be critical, but I have to call a spade a spade.


Priest River