Saturday, June 01, 2024

Prop 1 will help all students get a good education

| August 16, 2022 1:00 AM

In poll after poll, Idahoans say that K-12 education is the most important issue facing Idaho. The vast majority of Idahoans, regardless of party, want increases in investment in K-12 education.

We can't repair all the damage done by 20 years of cuts to education funding. But voting "yes" for the Quality Education Act (Proposition 1) will begin the repair by funding classroom materials, Career Technical Education programs, full-day kindergarten, art, music and drama programs, instruction in civics, special education, teacher salaries (the funds shall not be used to pay administrators.) It not only helps our children, it massively improves the economy.

Prop 1 shifts some taxes away from local property owners and requires large corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share. Prop 1 calls for reasonable tax reforms so that the tax burden is more equally shared by all Idahoans. Most small businesses will not see a tax increase.

Idaho's Attorney General caused unnecessary confusion by falsely claiming Prop 1 raises taxes on everyone — not just corporations and high earners. But trusted experts, including Mike Nugent, who spent 26 years as chief bill drafter for the Idaho Legislature), confirms that Proposition 1 will do exactly what it was designed to do: boost funding for education by modestly increasing taxes on corporations and those earning over $250,000 a year.  

Vote yes with me on Prop 1 to get this important work done sooner rather than later.

