Saturday, June 01, 2024

Abortion law will save lives, not take them

| August 23, 2022 1:00 AM

Letters have expressed concern over Idaho’s abortion legislation as it relates to a doctors ability to treat a mother whose life is threatened by her pregnancy (Stout, Aug. 22, 2022; and Haley, July 22, 2022). These are honest concerns. Us pro-lifers are also concerned that this circumstance not be harnessed as an excuse to kill an unborn child at any whim like we saw during the Doe v. Bolton /Roe v. Wade era. Dismembering and killing babies was never a constitutional right.

According to the CDC, the maternal mortality rate for 2020 was .000238%. Not to minimize this at all, but this is extremely rare. This highlights the red-herring argument pro-abortionists often commit when using the “life/health of the mother” as a justification for abortion-on-demand laws.

Certainly laws with appropriate checks and balances that protect both the mother and baby are sensible. Let’s not be manipulated either. The vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with the life of the mother being threatened. The purpose of an abortion is to produce a dead baby. There is no justification for these abortions.   Where the life of the mother really is in jeopardy, then this is a genuine life-for-life issue. The intention is to save a life, not to kill one.

The debased view toward the unborn as something less than innocent human beings with the right to life, at any stage of development, in the name of personal autonomy, is an indictment on the culture and characterized by endless euphemisms masking an abomination.


Clark Fork