Saturday, June 01, 2024

Strong men have stood too long on the sidelines

| August 25, 2022 1:00 AM

This to the nice lady last month who has a problem with me and my "ilk" regarding my thoughts on Sandpoint Pride (July 22, 2022). Let me explain who my "ilk" are. 

First, we chose to comprehensively (not reflexively) understand human events within the context of centuries and generations of culture. We even seek to get along with our neighbors who, despite their yard signs, seem programmed to hate us. Second, we disagree with the public sacrifice of a child's innocence at drag queen events. When you see a young child give a drag queen a dollar it awakens something inside that will never go back to sleep. Half this country, the progressive half, want to commit mass cultural suicide. If successful, it will take the other half (my ilk) with it. We won’t let that happen. If we can’t prevent the loss of their children, we will certainly prevent the loss of ours. So expect us to get louder and more noticeable in the years ahead. 

Daily, we see what weak men are capable of. Maybe the reader thinks the sight of drag queens and other emasculated men is cute and somehow gratifying. Or perhaps she fears strong men who will stand up to her (and for her in spite of herself). In any case, my "ilk" aren't going away. We’ve been too long on the sidelines, and we intend to keep standing up, showing up, and speaking out against the gender madness undermining our social fabric.

