Saturday, June 01, 2024

County OKs housekeeping measures

Staff Writer | August 31, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Bonner County commissioners made quick work of a number of housekeeping items, wrapping up the meeting in about 20 minutes Tuesday.

Among concerns shared during public comment was those by Doug Patterson, who expressed concern that flashing stop signs may make drivers less likely to look for a stop sign. Because drivers may become accustomed to being alerted by the flashing, they could potentially be less proactive and crash more often. The county recently decided to replace dozens of traditional stop signs with flashing signs like the one at Division and Pine.

Next up was the consent agenda, which included two invoices, one for EMS and one for Road and Bridge, of over $5,000. Patterson asked for more information about the two invoices.

Commissioner Chair Dan McDonald clarified that the EMS invoice was for “power load stretchers” for a total of just under $24,000. Road and Bridge’s invoice was for grader rentals and a Caterpillar rental.

The commissioners approved the consent agenda and moved onto the first business item.

Jeff Lindsey of EMS shared a notice of intent to renew ambulance leases. The agreement is with Columbia Bank for four ambulances leased in 2020. Lindsey also presented a motion to renew a 36-month contract with MultiMedical Systems LLC to provide preventive maintenance to equipment for a cost of slightly over $1,900 a year and $150 an hour. Both motions passed.

Bob Howard presented a motion for Emergency Management to approve a contract between Bonner County and HB Contracting to provide treatment or removal of hazardous wildland fuels. The contract will be funded by a grant from the Idaho Department of Lands. The motion passed.

Howard also introduced two motions for Solid Waste. The first was a motion to apply for a sustainable materials management grant from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. The grant totals $133,000 with no matching funds required from the county and, if awarded, will go to a pilot project to reduce food waste and create a composting system. The second motion was an intent to renew an agreement with Columbia Bank for next fiscal year. The lease is for a backhoe and costs $24,888.75 yearly. Both motions were approved.

Susie Jensen of the Public Defender’s Office brought forth a motion to enter into a contact with Thomson Reuters CLEAR software. The software facilitates the search of public records and is already used by the Sheriff’s Office and by the Prosecutor’s Office. The cost was not provided. The motion passed.

Planner Erik Beasley introduced a family division road waiver request to facilitate access to a newly created 10 acre lot. The lot had been part of a larger 20-acre parcel in an agricultural/forestry 10-acre zone but was divided for family reasons. The motion passed.

County Clerk Mike Rosedale introduced two items. The first was a lease for a new Canon copier for $135 a month. The cost is the same as the old copier. The second was a motion for a general fund statutory contingency to the coroner’s budget to address an increase in autopsies he has had to perform. He had been over budget and needed another $10,000 to finish the year. Both motions passed.

Cindy Binkerd of Human Resources introduced a request to recruit for a GIS technician and a permit technician for Planning. Both positions had been vacated. The motion passed.

Next, Jason Topp of Road and Bridge presented a motion to use Provolt Land Surveying Inc. to do a preliminary study of a planned route and potential county right of way to provide a secondary access to Whiskey Jack and West Oden Bay roads, aiding public safety. The estimated cost is about $10,000, not to exceed $12,000. A $5,000 deposit is required before work begins, which will go from September to October. The motion passed.

And, finally, Airport Manager Dave Schuck introduced a motion to approve a work order to acquire snow removal equipment. The scope of the work order was about $28,000 which is all funded by the Idaho Transportation Department’s “Idaho Division of Aeronautics Grant” in order to procure snow removal equipment for Priest River Airport.

The commissioners then adjourned at 9:23 a.m.