Saturday, June 01, 2024

Critical race theory: reality or a cultural UFO?

| February 8, 2022 1:00 AM

There is a lot of talk about CRT in this paper. And I am grateful. There should be talk.

Some however see this topic as a cultural UFO. It doesn’t exist so stop talking about it. Tell that to my friends who recently moved here from California. Their pre-teen son came home from school one day and said, "Dad, why did I have to be born white? I hate being white."

To the self-haters, this form of immolation and self-critique is the height of virtue. Think it’s not here in Idaho? Think again. Passive CRT just takes more time. A better name for critical race theory should be critical race reality. Because it isn’t a theory anymore.

So what? What does it lead to? The results of college level CRT were displayed during the 2020 riots. Masses of college educated youth set their country on fire in a form of ritual hatred for capitalism and America’s past, present, statues, and people.

They un-ironically demanded equity from billionaires. They demanded less freedom and more government. And the government happily obliged. CRT is the main offensive weapon in the culture war. So what happens when the frontline is in our kids’ classrooms? Separation and subjugation. That’s their goal, but don’t take my word for it. Simply look at your home value in the last year and see who’s moving here.

