Saturday, June 01, 2024

We need to return to a time of national pride

| February 8, 2022 1:00 AM

A few years back I wrote an article and letters speaking to the point that, "I want my America back."

Today, the politics and real and alleged "fake news," media and internet outlets have inundated the people of this nation, now becoming splintered factions causing dissent within.

I now request the more personal demand: "I want my Motherland back!"

How have our children and children's children so forsaken all the beauty of the founding fathers' aspirations and the creation of such a beautiful, idealistic civilization based on democracy and our unified beliefs?  

Born as one who is called a baby boomer now getting old (but not yet decrepit), I fear we are no longer displaying America's virtues to the world. I wonder what has become of our goal to live as one nation, indivisible under the god of your choice?

Who would have thought that a band called the Beatles who sang in the 1960s (whom our parents didn't understand) would have somehow been so spot on: "Come together...come together...right now."  

The internet may have changed the way we communicate forever. But, to my Motherland, I say, "I love you just the way you were!"

(And, no, I do not include all the advances we have made and are making including the rights of Black Americans, women's rights sexual rights, etc. I am referring more to the way people were so proud of this nation in the 1950s after the Greatest Generation helped save the world in World War II)


Clark Fork