Saturday, June 01, 2024

Commissioners approve Selle Valley rezone application

| February 9, 2022 7:01 PM

SANDPOINT — Bonner County commissioners have voted to approve a 720-acre Selle rezone application in a 2-1 vote Wednesday.

The vote went against a recommendation by the Bonner County Planning & Zoning commission in November, which denied the request. That decision was appealed to the commissioners. Voting to approve the application were commissioners Dan McDonald and Jeff Connolly. Voting to reject the application was Commissioner Steve Bradshaw.

The application had asked that 714.23-acres in the Selle Valley be rezoned from Ag/Forest-20 to Ag/Forest-10. Submitted by Don and Julie Skinner and James and Diane Otis, known jointly as Pack River Partners LLC, the application said that the rezone would allow the owners to “have usable options for the parcels, like the surrounding area.”

The surrounding land is zoned Ag/Forest-20 on all sides besides a portion to the west, zoned Ag/Forest-10.

In a narrative submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department on May 24, the land was described as having a “semi-rural feel,” and Pack River Partners said rezoning of the parcel could help alleviate the housing shortage in Bonner County.

See Thursday's Daily Bee for a full story on the meeting.