Saturday, June 01, 2024

Humanity alive and abundant at BGH

| February 13, 2022 1:00 AM

On this Valentine's Day, I'm writing a special love letter to many strangers who made a huge difference in my life.

Let me share the back story … on Thanksgiving weekend, my husband and I were looking forward to some turkey and some pumpkin pie. Instead we got COVID. He fared better than I did as I got COVID pneumonia. By Dec. 7, I had gone go far down that we called a retired nurse and good friend to come check on my. That's when the party started. My oxygen level was 66%.

She called for an ambulance, got me ready to go and off I went in the worst storm of the year. We arrived at the ER and I came in like a whirlwind. I knew it wasn't good by the speed at which they handled me. Everyone was efficient and effective in their duties; I was in awe.

They were so kind. I felt the devil had a grip on me and these nurses weren't going to let go. I liken them to members of St. Michael's army. I think they had wings.

Now off to the ICU — quite the ride. They count seconds to a turn — like a ray race.

I don't remember much of the first week in ICU. With such low oxygen, my brain had a hard time connecting with my mouth. I remember the doctor that there were "too many meatballs in the can." I don't know what I was trying to say; pretty sure that wasn't it. There were so many people in and out, including one gal who braided my hair. So sweet of her.

After being moved to a COVID room, I really started seeing the workings of the staff. It was amazing and inspiring. There were so many nurses, CNAs, therapists, doctors; a Navy welder, single moms, one with seven siblings, another moved to Oklahoma right after Christmas. One I crowned the Queen of All Things P.B. & J. (she made them at night for the crew.

One gal brought me two bottle of orange drink that I was craving. Another shared egg nog. One even cut my long hair. I knew my husband and I couldn't take care of it when I got home.

I can't express my gratitude and love for all of these people. Through all the very and I do mean very, up close and personal moments, not once did I feel embarrassed or shamed. Only extremely well cared for. Their joyful attitude helped me get through some very long days and nights.

From God's heart to their hands. And speaking of God, the spiritual guidance of several people put my mind at ease and I had a "coming to Jesus" moment.

Some of the staff even said they were praying me home for Christmas. Prayers were answered and I went home Dec. 20. The best present ever. My sweet husband even decorated the tree for me.

Again, all my heartfelt love and gratitude to all the staff who cared so lovingly for me. I'm humbled at your selflessness.

Happy Valentine's Day.



(The Princess in Room 206)