Saturday, June 01, 2024

Logging company has successful season

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| February 23, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1922

Logging company has successful season

Fulton & Evans have finished cutting approximately 1 million feet of logs in the Westbranch country and have closed their operations for the season. They have employed from 10-20 men all winter and have had a very successful season.

90 Years Ago — 1932

P. F. VanDever, rancher on the Newport highway, states that wild house cats are menacing bird life in the vicinity of his ranch. Mr. VanDever has been feeding pheasants during the winter months and says that out of six flocks, one is almost exterminated and the others are being thinned out. Out of one flock of 22 birds which began the winter, only six hens are left.

80 Years Ago — 1942

East River: While looking for pussy willows last week in Mears’ meadow, the school children discovered a large beaver house. Usually, it would be inaccessible because of the numerous canals which the beavers have dug, but are now frozen over clear to the beaver dam.

70 Years Ago — 1952

On Sunday, Al Lyle, state conservation officer, aided by 22 volunteers made a deer-count drive in the area along the old High Landing road west of Jackpine Flats to the river. The final official tally was 172. The largest concentrations of deer were found in the area near the river. The consensus of opinion was that the deer were in good shape. No carcasses were found.

60 Years Ago — 1962

The Priest River Spartans gained the finals of last week’s Class AA tourney in what was the biggest surprise of the tournament and the game. Playing their final game for the Spartans were G. G. Douglas, G. L. Douglas, Ken Miller, Jess Mosso, Jack Quinn, and Dennis Rainey.

50 Years Ago — 1972

Students from this area named to the dean’s list at the University of Idaho are: Charles E. Anselmo, Kathleen M. Deinhardt, Diane L. Gillespie. Carolyn Kay Kondo, Jennifer J. Wah, Beverlee J. Gray, Steven M. Booth, Roger L. Booth, and Roger J. Ketchum.

40 Years Ago — 1982

Repair crews throughout Bonner County continue to make necessary road repairs in an effort to keep up with the damage caused by alternately freezing and thawing temperatures. Schools continued to be operated on a day-to-day basis as school officials monitor the bus route situation. Bonner County school children finished up their first full week since mid-February.

30 Years Ago — 1992

Patty Waterman’s second-grade Brownie Scouts know a “positive female role model” when they see one. Members of Troop 43 have so honored Cindy Samples, a ranger at Albeni Falls Dam.

20 Years Ago--2002

Kudos and a big thank you for each person and business who have contributed to the Priest River Skatepark Fund so far. Recent donors are Mitchell’s IGA, Bonner Saw, and Dock n Shop.