Saturday, June 01, 2024

Your choice at the polls may cost you money

| February 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Think about who you elect to office because your choice may cost you money.\

Take the North Idaho College controversy. The people in Kootenai County elected a majority of right-wing disruptors to the college board. The board then fired President Rick MacLennan without cause. He sued. He won. The school’s insurance company, Idaho Counties Risk Management Program will pay out $500,000 to MacLennan. That cost will be reflected in ICRMP’s future premiums for all of its insureds. For example, ICRMP insures the Bottle Bay Sewer District. Our members will now pay through their rates, in some small way, for the North Idaho College Board’s stupidity.

So, from here on out, please choose competent, non-chaos inducing candidates for public office. If it’s radical it’s BADical.

