Saturday, June 01, 2024

Black bear spotted around Hayden, Canfield, Dalton Gardens

| July 2, 2022 1:00 AM

A black bear has been reportedly roaming around Hayden and Canfield in recent weeks and Idaho Fish and Game officials are urging residents to be careful.

According to a Friday press release, several residents have reported seeing a black bear in a neighborhood near Canfield Mountain, and in the Hayden View Drive and Packsaddle Drive area, just north of Dalton Gardens.

"Although there have been no reports of aggressive behavior toward humans, the bear has been getting into household trash and backyard chicken coops," the Fish and Game release said.

Black bears are common in North Idaho but will move into residential areas when they are attracted to easy food sources, the release said.

Residents are encouraged to take precautions, including properly disposing of trash, cleaning grills and securing pet food.

If you encounter a bear, Fish and Game says don't approach it, don't startle it, don't feed it and don't run.

"Fish and Game officers will continue to monitor the situation and will take action as necessary," the release said.