Saturday, June 01, 2024

Something doesn't smell right in county

| July 12, 2022 1:00 AM

The staff and Planning Commission both recommended denial of the amendment to non-conforming use code. Two Bonner County commissioners, Dan McDonald and Steve Bradshaw, both voted in favor of the amendment, and thus the amendment was adopted.

Why do we need a staff and Planning Commission? Seems like the county commissioners can approve or deny whatever they please. Are either of those county commissioners even trained/educated on county planning? I think not.

Additionally, the split of Bonner County Planning and Zoning into two separate entities, I believe, was foolish at best. So now we have two departments, all members having been appointed by our outgoing Milt Ollerton, with agreement by our county commissioners. Looking at these two "new" departments, one can’t help but be a little curious as to how Milt came up with the people he chose. Looks like a stacked deck, including: asphalt pit owners, developers, real estate agents, etc.

And now Milt has left Bonner County. Thanks for continuing the screw-ups that have plagued this county for the past few years. Planning and zoning proposals in Bonner County don’t mean squat, because the county commissioners have final say. Something sure doesn’t smell right in our county. Anybody else feel the same way?

