Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bonner County History - July 19, 2022

| July 19, 2022 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Miss Susan Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hanson of Sandpoint, and Charles G. Haynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haynes of Dover, were married June 3 in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Fr. Schlimm of Spokane officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes, both recent SHS graduates, honeymooned in Victoria, B.C., and are residing in Sandpoint until August when he will begin service with the U.S. Air Force.



Approximately 175 millworkers employed by Pack River Lumber Co. remain idle this week as the result of a strike called last week by the IWA (International Woodworkers of America), Local 3-10. The stoppage at both the Dover and Colburn Pack River plants came after a month of negotiation. The union seeks a wage increase of 32 cents per hour this year, a six per cent increase in 1973 and a similar wage boost in 1974.



Elmer Dexter, formerly of Bangor, Me., has been hired by Bonner County as an A & I mechanic for the Sandpoint airport, where he will assist Manager Charles Currier. Dexter, his wife and eight youngsters have already moved in to the airport residence and the mechanic is on the job now to provide licensed aircraft service, repairs and inspections.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

July 19, 1922 – CIRCUS DAY

Yesterday was circus day here, the Howe’s London shows and Van Amburg’s wild animal shows pitching tents near the demonstration farm north of town. The circus was only fair and did not bring out the crowds usually drawn to the “big tops.” The grounds, on a cultivated field, were a foot deep in dry, powdery dust. It was evident from the low attendance that most area people passed up yesterday’s attraction to wait for the big Sells-Floto circus which shows here on August 4, one of the few really big circuses in the country today.



With thousands of dead trout lying in the dry bed of Blanchard creek, due to the drainage of all the water in the stream into the canals of the Spirit Valley Irrigation company, a complaint was lodged with Game Warden W.W. Pickett, who at once wired the state fish and game department, requesting information upon the irrigation company’s legal right to remove water from the creek to such extent as to kill the fish. The department replied that the company has a permit to use the total supply and can not be made criminally liable for the death of trout due to the drainage of the water. Blanchard creek has been closed to fishing but has been stocked with fry annually for several years.



Miss Rachel Ramsey, who has the position of chemist for a Tacoma doctor’s clinic, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ramsey.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles King and Dalton Hawkins were in Sandpoint Thursday for the circus.

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