Saturday, June 01, 2024

Faded road markings are serious safety hazard

| July 19, 2022 1:00 AM

To every tax-paying citizen in Bonner County, there is a serious safety concern in Sandpoint. Between the intersections of Larch and Cedar streets on Fifth Avenue/U.S. 95, all of the lane markings are nonexistent.

The last time they were painted has been over three years ago, and then three months after - they started to fade. The past two years I have contacted both Idaho Transportation Department and the city of Sandpoint by phone, email, and letters. All that has come from that is misdirection and laying the blame to the weather and other agencies not related to the two responsible parties.

It's obvious to me that ITD and the city of Sandpoint can't even check on the quality of tax dollars being wasted by allowing such a shoddy job. Another example of this is the two lanes of attempted repaving on the curve by Sand Creek. Driving through that section, before getting to the faded lane markings, is similar to driving on an unkept two-track tank trail.

I believe the city of Sandpoint and Bonner County owe every taxpayer in the county an immediate refund. You have no problem collecting money for road repairs and maintenance but fail to keep our roads as such.

What can we do, as taxpaying citizens, is flood these two offices with calls, letters and official complaints until this serious safety hazard has been fixed.


Clark Fork