Saturday, June 01, 2024

Show the proof of how 'steal' happened

| July 28, 2022 1:00 AM

Regarding the letter of July 24 - "Is the Jan. 6 panel afraid of the truth?" Beside the multiple web postings debunking the "2000 Mule(s)"movie in so many ways, I have a different look at the "steal." It has been many months since the 2020 presentimental election and a large majority of Republicans still say the election was stolen; especially in Arizona and other swing states.  This opinion exists even though an "audit" of the tabulation in Arizona showed no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome. In fact candidate Trump lost votes. How did the steal happen?

I challenge anyone to put forth evidence in this forum how the steal happened. Each state has 1,000s of voting sites. Let's say each site had five poll workers who did whatever they did. That is thousands nationwide, including those developing whatever capabilities they had. Show us the email, texts, postings, web pages/accounts, postal letters, tweets, money trails, testimony, companies involved, methods used, etc that has glued the "steal" together. Show us.

