Saturday, June 01, 2024

Biden's actions to blame for inflation

| June 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Everyone is concerned about inflation today. It is sad, that Biden's advisors don't seem to know what causes inflation.

Economics 101, states that the cause of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. and it is a fact. So prior, the government's $1.9 trillion spending spree and then paying people to stay home directly caused inflation. And then there is the price of oil, Biden's administration has curtailed the oil industry. Shut down the Keystone Pipeline, no drilling permits on federal lands anymore, etc. They say, there are 6,000 leases outstanding. But the oil execs say that there are too many restrictions attached to them. And if you look around, it is amazing how many things are made from oil. All kinds of plastics, etc.

So, I am saying that the increase in the price of oil is another big reason for inflation today. Even delivery by trucks have a "fuel surcharge,", These increases are passed on to the consumer in higher prices. I suggest that President Biden needs to fire most of his advisors and get people who actually know something. President Clinton experienced problems when first in office, but he was smart enough to fire his advisors and he got people who knew what they were doing. Then working with House Speaker Gingrich, they got things done, almost balanced the budget, etc. I believe if we became energy independent again, produced more oil in the U.S, that inflation would go way down. Maybe Biden should hire me and a lot of people from this area, that have common sense and we would show them "how the hog eats the cabbage"


Priest River