Saturday, June 01, 2024

Unless responsible gun laws enacted, more deaths likely

| June 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Only in America. Nineteen more elementary school kids killed while in school.

I’m trying to understand the logic of it all and those who are in power who will do nothing about it. In the state of Texas the shooter legally purchased two assault-style weapons when he turned 18; along with acquiring seven 30-round clips while wearing body armor. I guess in the state of Texas you need all those things to protect yourself. Days earlier, 10 people were killed shopping for groceries in Buffalo, New York.

Oh by the way, the gun used was the same model that killed 20 first graders at Sandy Hook 10 years ago; a Remington Bushmaster X-M A15 assault-style weapon. It is a weapon designed to do nothing but kill people, designed for war; but is still legal in this country.

I’m having trouble understanding the logic of all our Republican politicians who feel that gun rights are more important than the lives of U.S. citizens including second, third and fourth graders. They are far more concerned about getting votes than protecting a nation. Also, the NRA and all those supporters who promote any type of gun, magazines, or ammunition that they claim are needed for protection; total nonsense.

Protecting our Second Amendment; nonsense, ask the citizens in Texas and New York today how this is all working? Other countries don’t have this problem because they have responsible gun laws. So here is what is going to happen. absolutely nothing.

Our senators (mostly Republican) won’t do anything except preach what won’t work instead of coming up with a solution that possibly will work. It’s time to try something that will at least be a start to solving all these mass shootings. Stay tuned; more to come if something isn’t done.

