Saturday, June 01, 2024

You can be Christian and support right to choose

| June 7, 2022 1:00 AM

Nightly we see news on abortion and views of the Christian community and those who believe it’s a woman’s right to decide on abortions. We are in both camps as we are part of the Christian community and both subscribed to a view that “it’s your body” in all cases, you get to decide what happens to it.

So, the arguments appear in two different points of view but in reality, there is a third part to this discussion and appears to be totally ignored. The third part is all the kids born into an environment where they’re unwanted. Our family has experienced this third part in that we have an adopted son who has struggled his entire life due to natural parents being high on drugs.

On a wider view I worked in law enforcement and worked in community sections where it was normal to enter homes and find the mom passed out on the floor, needle lying nearby and six or seven small kids left to fend for themselves. In some cases, this was a minority family and often the kids would gravitate to us hanging onto our legs and obviously wanting affections and someone to pay attention to them. They didn’t care that you were white. Many of those kids end up in gangs because they’re the first one who paid attention to them. So many of those kids are born into a world that sentences them to a life of misery, drugs, crime and little hope.

