Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon's win is a breath of fresh air

| June 12, 2022 1:00 AM

What a breath of pure fresh air, to have a new local leader in Scott Herndon.

He will demonstrate a willingness to hold up to the U.S. Constitution and Idaho Constitution.

He is a real American, willing to stand up for truth and integrity. I am proud that you were able to defeat the apparent double-faced miscreants, who voted RINO and who ran against you.

Is anybody paying attention?'

Canada is beginning a campaign to take away their citizens firearms.

Canada allowed 80,000 communist Chinese to practice military games in British Columbia last winter. These types of communist-supporting woke idiots, all need to be voted out of office and imprisoned for tyranny.

I believe Mr. Herndon will keep all of us in Bonner County apprised, should our RINO governor, Brad Little, be bending to any of these broken woke idiots in our federal leadership (lack of leadership) who are bowing to China and if they try to mess with Idaho citizens.

Pay attention, Americans. Pay attention, Idahoans.

