Saturday, June 01, 2024

Geezer Forum heads out into the Pine Street Woods

by PAUL GRAVES Contributing Writer
| June 30, 2022 1:00 AM

People have been asking me in recent weeks when the Geezer Forum will get started again. My stock answer has been: Oct. 11 when we host our annual Medicare Enrollment Forum.

But our new GF planning group decided to get a head start on Geezer Forum activities. Last week, the Geezer Forum became partners with a children’s outdoor program of the Kaniksu Land Trust. It’s called "Trails and Tales." And the Geezer Forum is helping them recruit volunteers.

Perhaps you saw a Daily Bee article about it in the June 24, 2022, edition. It is being coordinated by two summer interns, Jenn Manelski and Miranda Seuell. Beginning on July 1, there will be two outings a week at the Pine Street Woods. Jenn and Miranda hope to get some older adult volunteers to help with both events, and particularly the Tuesday outing. Here’s the deal:

On Fridays, July 1-Aug. 19, 11 a.m.-noon, children will take gentle hikes in various parts of the Pine Street Woods. Volunteers are being recruited to walk with the children.

On Tuesdays, July 5-Aug. 16, 11 a.m.-noon, the children will take gentle hikes, but volunteers will read children’s stories to them twice during the hikes. (I plan to volunteer for a few Tuesday sessions myself. Maybe even get to read my children’s book, “Sox Looks for Home”.)

If you would like find out more about "Trails and Tales," or simply volunteer for one or more of these Pine Street Woods outdoor sessions, please call Jenn at 1-425-577-1197, or Miranda at 1-571-480-1550.

They are delightful young women with good energy. They’re excited about this intergenerational opportunity to get older adults playing with and enjoying children (and some parents, too, I’m sure).

If you’ve been to Pine Street Woods, you know what a wonderful place it is. If you haven’t, here’s your chance to enjoy it even as you support children and their parents.

But wait, there’s more. More Geezer Forum presence in the Pine Street Woods, I mean. Our first full forum session – on Sept. 7 – will be a social/educational outing at Pine Street Woods. More details will come later this summer. But for now, know that we will gather in PSW from 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

Additionally, our planning group made a decision to re-start the Geezer Forum by holding one forum, not two, each month – at least for the rest of 2022. Here is our schedule for September-December 2022:

• Sept. 7 (Wednesday, not our normal Tuesday) – Gathering at Pine Street Woods

• Oct. 11 – Medicare enrollment forum (SHIBA will lead this one.)

• Nov. 8 – Veterans support (Bryan Hult, VA Services Officer, and stories from selected veterans)

• Dec. 13 – Geezer Forum open mic – (An informal opportunity for participants to share what it’s like for them to be the ages they are.)

With the exception of Sept. 7, the Geezer Forum will return to our traditional schedule of the second Tuesday of each month, 2:30-4 p.m., meeting in the Columbia Bank’s Community Room. We hope you are ready to re-engage with the Geezer Forum community.

Paul Graves, M.Div., is Lead Geezer-in-Training for Elder Advocates, a consulting ministry on aging issues. Contact Paul at 208-610-4971 or