Saturday, June 01, 2024

Community or developers' needs?

| March 15, 2022 1:00 AM

The Sand Creek code change to allow structures built beyond the shoreline from downtown to Highway 200 goes for Sandpoint City Council's approval on Wednesday, March 16. New language is needed for building "Farmin Landing Plaza.” City planner's pitch for “economic vitality” directly promotes new developers’ business interests; code for more trendy shops and luxury condos. No doubt, the city's overall tax base will increase with the end result being higher property taxes for all Sandpoint homeowners. In fact, many believe the city's 1% local option tax did not pass in last election because voters were specifically against this exorbitant plaza plan. 

Majority of local residents support environmental measures to protect Sand Creek. When the city bought the long grassy strip of property at Gunnings Alley, the zoning supported creating a natural stormwater filtration system there. Current zoning still does, as/is. Additionally in 2016, council established a bicycle route to run along this project's upper edge. Now the city is reneging on this safe passageway.

Urge City Council members to vote “no” on this unnecessary code change. Best interests of established residents must come before wealthy developers. Time to "put on the brakes" before becoming another Aspen-like town!

