Saturday, June 01, 2024

Spring is here, so is your mission!

by CHRIS BASSETT Contributing Writer
| March 18, 2022 1:00 AM

Every year we wade into piles of mud, runoff, as well as the maze of potholes and washboard dirt roads. The charm of North Idaho living comes alive when we can’t read anyone’s bumper stickers having no way to pre-judge the person in front of us (or behind us). All jokes aside, I am grateful for car washes and mechanics shops to help get us back to normal as the mud fades into the green.

As with every season there are expectations. It’s important to know what season we are in and what to expect next. Just like the melting of snow, God will slowly reveal what is to come for those that desire to pay attention to what is happening in the world around us. When it comes to God’s timing, He operates in seasons (He established them), and He also appoints moments in time for His purposes to be fulfilled.

When we are unsure what season we are in, we can lose sight of why we are here and what we are to do. In the spring, we start cleaning around the house, gardening, and preparing for those summer projects. In the same way, God has His church in a season. I believe the church is waking up and the season we are in is going to be exhilarating. I believe that the apathy of the decades of isolation and choosing to be on the sidelines in our world is coming to an end. This is not only a season, but for many of us, it’s an appointed time for returning to mission.

The Body of Christ at large is recognizing that as those who have been given the responsibility to take dominion and multiply (Genesis 1-2), we have been given all authority by Christ to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). A nation, or people group, is defined by its language, borders, and customs (culture). We can no longer abdicate our place as His children who are called by God to bring redemption to the culture living alone on an island, no matter how difficult the challenge may be.

Thankfully, Jesus gave us a clear promise that He would never leave us, and that He would send us the Helper, Teacher, and Comforter (John 14:15-18). The apostle Paul reminds us that God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We know we are called to be a light on the hill, not hidden, and not shrinking back from the challenges of our day (Matthew 5:13-16). God longs for a people to be filled with love who are bold, honest, and full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31) to reveal His kindness so people choose Him and change their minds (Romans 2:4).

I pray that you take courage in your season, and step into your appointment.

Chris Bassett is the senior leader at Harvest Valley Worship Center. He can be reached at