Saturday, June 01, 2024

You can't have it both ways on climate change

| March 22, 2022 1:00 AM

In logic, the law of noncontradiction states that “A cannot be both A and non-A at the same time and in the same relationship,” (A.J. Hoover, "Don’t You Believe It!"). This is one of the most basic laws of logic. A woman cannot be both pregnant and not pregnant at the same time.

It is likewise a contradiction in thought and a violation of this basic law of logic to say on the one hand that “science doesn’t prove anything,” and on the other hand that there are such things as “well-evidenced scientific facts.” The two statements contradict each other.

It is equally fallacious to say that science doesn’t prove anything, but that it does prove that climate change is human-caused. Again, contradictory claims.

Psychologists refer to this as “cognitive dissonance,” wherein the individual accepts two very opposite beliefs at the same time, having no problem in their mind with the obvious contradiction between those two beliefs. Many psychological examinations have used the cognitive dissonance test to determine the sanity of a person, and many religious cults have become famous for holding opposing beliefs simultaneously.

There are really only two possibilities involving science: 1) Either science doesn’t prove anything and there are therefore no scientific facts, or 2) Science does prove things and there are therefore scientific facts. You cannot have it both ways.

It is ridiculous, then, when some people insist that global warming is human-caused, yet science doesn’t prove anything.

