Saturday, June 01, 2024

A.C. White tugboat delivers logs to boom

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| March 23, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1922

From Beardmore Camp One

Delicious divinity fudge was made by a critical judge of candies homemade and eggs freshly laid. We know the candy was delicious ‘cause we had some, and the eggs were fresh ‘cause when the syrup was bubbling just right, we saw Bob Doolittle doing a marathon to the hen house returning a few seconds later with them.

90 Years Ago — 1932

Cleaning house

Mrs. E.M. Brown thinks spring has come, for she has started cleaning house. The first two pieces of furniture to be moved out were hubby and Leonard, then she started to Kalsomine, paper and scrub.

80 Years Ago — 1942

Logs delivered

Last Friday the A.C. White tugboat brought down and delivered to our boom about 1 1/4 million feet of logs that have been frozen in all winter at Laclede.

70 Years Ago — 1952

Springs unsafe

The State Board of Health reports that springs north and west of Priest River have been found to be contaminated and water from them is not fit for use. At present, the city is chlorinating the city water and it is felt to be safe.

60 Years Ago — 1962

Engineering a big job.

Engineering was a big job on the Kaniksu Forest in 1961. Survey, design, and construction supervision for projects such as roads, trails, campgrounds, water systems and buildings required a large and versatile crew. Forty-three miles of new roads were constructed, with 173 in the process.

50 Years Ago — 1972

Washout closes road

Melting snow and heavy rains caused the East shore Road at Priest Lake to wash out last week, about three-quarters of a mile above the Horton Creek road. It will be closed about a month. Diamond International will do the necessary work after the frost is out and equipment can be moved into the area.

40 Years Ago — 1982

Fire levels planer

The planer at Nelon Lumber Company, located on Bodie Canyon Road, was destroyed by fire early Thursday morning. Lee Oscarson, mill foreman, tentatively estimated the damage at $50,000.

30 Years Ago — 1992

Oldtown facelift to start

Gov. Cecil Andrus has announced that Oldtown will receive a major grant through the Idaho Community Block Grant program. Proceeds from the $282,410 grant will be used to fund street paving and water and sewer improvements. “It’ll help Oldtown get on its feet and attract new business,” said Mayor Brian Orr.

20 Years Ago — 2002

Turner reaches tri-district finals

D. J. Turner, a Priest River Elementary fifth-grader and his school and district winner, in his first-ever championships, finished second as the only West Bonner County School District speller to reach the finals of this year’s Tri-District Spelling Bee.