Saturday, June 01, 2024

Just say 'no more' on candidates, rezone plan

| March 24, 2022 1:00 AM

The following are my opinions regarding people running for public office.

I am opposed to Janice McGeachin, Steve Bradshaw or Ammon Bundy for governor; Priscilla Giddings for lieutenant governor; Scott Herndon for Senate. You all may remember Mr. Herndon for causing so much trouble and expense to our county regarding The Festival at Sandpoint, which had no external problems for some 20 years until Mr. Herndon and another man felt it was necessary to open carry a weapon into the Festival, as part of their "rights"( forget about everybody else’s rights); Ron Korn for District 3 county commissioner.

As a separate issue, “just say no” to the destruction of the beautiful Selle Valley, starting with the 714 acres that the Otises and Skinners want rezoned into smaller parcels. Stating that they are X number of generations as ranchers, does not mean either they or their heirs won’t subdivide the property. The former County Planning and Zoning Department voted to deny the rezone request, but some of our county commissioners decided “they know best” and want to approve the rezone. Hello, have the county commissioners investigated: the infrastructure; water tables; waste water dispersal; and the effects on existing properties and their water tables? I don’t think so.

