Saturday, June 01, 2024

Over $1 million allocated in routine business meeting

Staff Writer | March 26, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — With the exception of a now-official Selle Valley rezone reconsideration scheduled for April 20, Bonner County commissioners saw a routine agenda maintaining basic county services, including equipment purchases for multiple county departments.

Commissioners approved the consent agenda at the beginning of the meeting containing three minor land divisions, the minutes from the previous meeting, a $6,116.85 invoice from the Bonner County Sheriff's Office for bullet proof vests, and two invoices from Emergency Medical Services totaling $36,260 for three ambulance computers and a powerload gurney.

The Clerk's Office received approval from commissioners for the allocation of $1,027,666.78 for county and Emergency Medical Services claims and demand batch spending.

Claims and demand batch spending, simplified, are the routine bills, costs, and purchases needed to maintain county services, including those from emergency medical services.

The Assistance Office brought their annual report before commissioners.

The office coordinates volunteers who help care for others in the county who cannot adequately care for themselves.

The annual report was brought before commissioners on public record so the office can communicate its projected needs and expectations for the upcoming year.

"The board of guardians are volunteers [and] they serve people who are not able to make medical or financial decisions for themselves," Kevin Rothenberger, director of assistance, said Tuesday. "They are appointed by the courts."

Rothenberger told the commission that the office has been receiving requests from physicians about potential new conservatees, and that there is a need for more volunteers to serve these individuals, or sit on the board. The seven-member board of volunteers oversees the office's affairs.

Commissioners approved the annual report.

The first item Emergency Management brought before the commision was a grant application accompanied by a letter of intent to update the county's multi-jurisdictional, all-hazard mitigation plan. The letter of intent is required by the Idaho Office of Emergency Management in order to apply for the funds, and Bonner County will need to pay for a quarter of the total sum in order to qualify for receiving the money. If granted, funding will be used to update the county's disaster preparedness plans for 2022.

Commissioners approved applying for the grant money, along with the $10,800 in-kind check to qualify.

In another item brought by Emergency Management, commissioners approved a memorandum of understanding between the county and Bonner General Health allowing them to store their alternate-care mobile trailer at the airport when it is not in use. The understanding also includes an agreement that Bonner General Health will be able to move the trailer to other locations if the need arises.

The Recreation Department discussed the day-use site at Garfield Bay, including placing a food truck at the site.

Commissioners approved allowing G-Dubs Concessions LLC, a local eatery, to operate a food truck at the popular public access. The special use permit will allow the eatery to operate at the site from May 1 through Oct. 1. In addition, the county is permitted to charge a $10 fee for every day the business operates on site.

Provided the Panhandle Health District approves of the operation, G Dub's Chef Shack will be at Garfield Bay this summer.

The Planning Department got approval from the commission to enter into a surety agreement of $672,747 with South Ridge Ski to finish constructing 24 lots in the Alpine Village near Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort. If South Ridge Ski is unable to complete the development, the surety agreement will become effective and the county will be able to finish the project with the funds provided by the agreement.

A surety agreement is a promise between two parties to accomplish a common goal and are typically used in large financial transactions, construction projects, or posting bail. In these agreements, physical goods or other collateral is included to "assure" that the goal of the agreement is fulfilled. If one party does not follow through with the agreement, the other party is allowed to take over the collateral and use it to accomplish the agreed result or outcome.

The commissioners approved the surety agreement with South Ridge Ski to finish the alpine subdivision.

The final item in the main agenda saw the commissioners approve placing the Selle Valley rezone of 714-acres from Ag/Forest 20 acre minimums to Ag/Forest 10 acre minimums on the agenda for an upcoming meeting on April 20.

Afterward, Commissioner Chairman Dan McDonald recessed the meeting before reconvening for executive session. Commissioners discussed three items during the closed portion of the meeting: two items from the Human Resources Department regarding hiring, and another regarding personnel. The final item discussed ongoing litigation. Although it was not specified which department brought the matter before the commission, it is understood that these matters are typically brought by the Prosecutor's Office.

Those interested in volunteering or learning more about Bonner County Assistance can do so by logging onto their website at