Saturday, June 01, 2024

Were protesters brought here to cause trouble?

| March 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Sounds like someone is paying attention to the irresponsible rhetoric about all the Bay Area “white nationalists” moving to Idaho. Could it be Antifa?

A small group of ‘protestors’ were seen waving pro-white signs in front of downtown Chevron one Saturday. Strangely, some were dressed in black, wore body cameras and covered their faces in black bloc.

One illiterate protestor had a sign that read “Marxism is anti-white” while another’s read “honk if pro-white.” Could the real reason be to provoke or video someone honking in order to get them fired? Let me guess, anyone talking about the horrors of socialism could be a “white nationalist?: Is this amateur hour in America?

If the media continues to smear people it doesn’t like as ‘“far right: on one hand while promoting racial group conflict on the other I really don’t see a good way out of our current mess. Whoever those people were, I bet they were brought here by, and looking for attention from, the media.

Pro tip: Any idiot knows that Marxism is not “anti-white,” Marxism is “anti-human.” Just ask any of its millions of multi-racial victims around the world. Ideologies that promote group conflict or racial superiority always are, in the end, equal opportunity murderers.

