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New faces help Sandpoint tennis win against Moscow

Sports Editor | March 29, 2022 11:38 PM

MOSCOW — Sandpoint’s tennis team had to reshuffle its lineup ahead of its first 4A Inland Empire League matchup against Moscow and still managed to come away with the 9-3 victory.

“We were really focused,” Sandpoint tennis coach Kent Anderson said. “I mixed it up with a few kids and I tried to create a situation to put us in a position to win.”

One of the major switches was putting boys number one singles player Cayden Kindred with Tyler Korn.

The two debuted as partners, playing against Moscow’s number one doubles team and won 6-0.6-2.

“They’re best friends off the court,” Anderson said. “They’re our biggest hitters and have so much confidence out there. They knew if one of them made a mistake, the other one was going to be right there to make it up.”

Moscow’s doubles team of Bryce Hanson and Brayden Pickard outsized the best friend duo, but that didn’t matter according to Anderson.

“They were both just big kids,” he said. “They just couldn’t do anything on the net and they just overpowered them. It was fun to watch.

Kindred stepped in for Jacob Dawson, who was not present at the event, but after this performance, Anderson is pondering the possibility of having Kindred and Korn become permit partners.

“Who knows what’s going to happen. I’m kind of weighing my options,” Anderson said. “I know (Cayden) Kindred likes playing singles and he certainly can play where he wants. But if they play together more their chemistry and game will just get stronger and stronger as the season moves on.”

Freshman Aubrey Knowles also filled in today at the number two girls singles position and won her match against Moscow’s Mili Richards 6-4, 7-5.

“ (Mili) Richards' game mirrored Aubrey’s,” Anderson said. “As far as stroke and technique goes, every point was such a hard fought point it looked like they were playing against themselves.”

Each point took a lot out of the number two girls; it just came down to who wanted it more, according to Anderson.

“Aubrey had a lot of mental toughness,” Anderson said. “All it takes is mental toughness to win a match like that. You can’t duplicate a match like that in a practice setting. It was a great experience for Aubrey.”

Fellow newbie to the lineup, sophomore, Sydney Webb, also won her match against Moscow’s Annesha Shreestha 6-4, 6-6, 9-7. The match between the two Inland Empire League foes went on for about two hours.

“This was another match where mental strength and physical endurance were required in order to win,” Anderson said. “ (Sydney) Webb refused to quit and battled like a warrior.”

All three athletes that stepped in, won today, which speaks volumes about the depth of Sandpoint’s tennis team, according to Anderson.

“We look really good,” Anderson said. “It’s fantastic to have that kind of depth. When we get our girls back after spring back, it’ll be quite the battle for the last couple positions for the district team.”


GIRLS SINGLES: No 1. Neva Reseska, Spt, d. Natalie Rice, 6-0, 6-1. No. 2 Sydney Webb, Spt, d. Annesha Shrestha, 6-4, 6-6, 9-7. No. 3 Aubrey Knowles, Spt, d. Mili Richards, 6-4, 7-5.

GIRLS DOUBLES: No 1 Olivia Petruso/Denali Terry, Spt, d. Samantha Unger/Kacie Clyde, 6-2, 6-3.

BOYS SINGLES: No 1 Laynsean Young, Mos, d. Evan Wiley, 6-0, 6-0. No. 2 Matthew Norton, Spt, d. Micah Wolbrecht, 6-4, 6-2. No. 3 Noah Spinney, Spt, d. Jack Landis, 8-6, 6-4.

BOYS DOUBLES: No 1 Tyler Korn/Cayden Kindred, Spt, d. Bryce Hanson/Brayden Pickard, 6-0, 6-2. No. 2 Aden Heitz/Owen Larson, Spt, d. Ellis Jackel/Lucas Ting, 6-2, 6-2.

MIXED DOUBLES:Mark Sproull/Rose Fountain, Mos, d. Ivan Steinbachs/Elly Pincher, 6-4, 6-4. No. 2 Miles Tomlin/Abigail Duke, Mos, d. Caleb Bradshaw/Mya Vorheis, 6-2, 6-4.