Saturday, June 01, 2024

Choose wisdom, choose Woodward

| May 5, 2022 1:00 AM

Senator Jim Woodward has my vote of confidence and trust. 

He understands the prime role of state government is the proper investment in our future. Sen. Woodward consistently demonstrates his ability to listen and choose common sense, logical and impactful solutions to our state’s challenges. 

BCRCC reminds me of those who support gerrymandering.That’s when a political group manipulates a voting district to create a result that helps them or hurts the group who is against them. BCRCC does not represent me as a Republican. And those they support do not represent me as a Christian. 

Sadly they do represent what has gone wrong with the party, having morphed into multi-headed emotional creatures bent on destruction of honor, purpose and responsibility. 

I belong to the party of compassion, protection and empowerment. BCRCC supports the antithesis of these.  I am not, and never have been, willing to allow the contamination and outright poisoning, perversion and destruction of ideals essential to building on our strengths. 

A vote for Woodward is a choice for wisdom, a strong range of experience and a heart for service. 

