Saturday, June 01, 2024

An urgent message for the people of Bonner County

| May 5, 2022 1:00 AM

Hello, my name is Pat Gunter. I am a third generation Idahoan that raised three children in this beautiful county and now I am helping my 4th generation children raise my 5th generation grandchildren. My family has lived here since 1923 and we continue to choose to live in this area because of the quality of life that a rural way of living in Bonner County provides.

I have an urgent message for the voters of Bonner County. The current County Commissioners have continued to ignore the voice of the People in Bonner County. They have taken over 5 years to incorporate the 5 Subarea Committee plans to finish the Comprehensive Plan. To ad insult to injury, our County Commissioners have disbanded the Planning and Zoning Commission, split it into 2 groups in order to rubber stamp more density increases. This action will swiftly push the density of the county to a crisis level, which will result in massive taxation on the back-end to pay for the infrastructure that will be required.

My greatest concern is that those who have already paid for the current infrastructure will be shouldered with the burden of paying for all the new infrastructure required to handle the high density that our current commissioners are encouraging. This is a recipe for the elderly and working families to subsidize the Developers and many of us will be taxed out of our homes.

Because of all this, I urge you to do three things:

• Contact your County Commissioners and ask them to stop rubberstamping higher densities.

• Follow land use issues on Keep Bonner County Rural https://

• Most importantly, help Dave Bowman to get elected in the District 3 Commissioner race. He is the only D3 Candidate that has promised to stop the high density.

To learn more, go to

