Saturday, June 01, 2024

Arrants honored as Woman of Wisdom

| May 7, 2022 1:00 AM

There are few more deserving of the Woman of Woman honor than Diane Arrants.

However, the award is a bit bittersweet as it is a posthumous award as Arrants passed away on Thanksgiving morning in 2021 after a short battle with cancer, Women Honoring Women committee members said.

Arrants is among the five community residents selected as Women of Wisdom for 2022. Also selected were Karen Applegate, Roxie Lowther, Sherry Ennis and Patti Speelmon.

Born in Yonkers, New York, Arrants joined the U.S. Navy after two years of Junior College and became an aerographer, serving four years in Honolulu and Midway. After being discharged she worked for the city of Cupertino, California, as a traffic engineer. It would be here where she met her husband, Harley. They moved to Idaho in 2005 after retirement.

She was a driving force for the Community Assistance League, holding various board member roles and was better known as the co-manager of Bizarre Bazaar. Arrants was dedicated to running the store and making profits that benefited community grants and scholarships.

"She worked tirelessly putting her organizational skills to work. She loved people and loved helping others," according to her nomination letters. "Her smile and support greeted all who entered and gave of their time at Bizarre Bazaar, she was an inspiration to all."

Arrange also was an active Weight Watchers leader and conducted weekly meetings and filled in for others when necessary. The time she spent coaching WW members helped many on their difficult road to better health. She always had time to chat with a friend or spend time with someone who just needed a shoulder to lean on.

Women Honoring Women was another important organization that Diane was involved with. She was always willing to help out for any function. Again her organizational skills were an asset at the galas, meet-and-greets, and teas.

Animals also were an important part of her life and Arrants adopted several animals from the shelter giving them a healthy, happy home.

"Diane is truly missed by all and the Women Honoring Women committee is honored to give this award to her for all of her dedication to the community," committee members said.

To be nominated for Woman of Wisdom, candidates must be 65 years or older. Those selected possess vision and achieve goals through collaboration. She exhibits a love of learning through the pursuit of knowledge by study or experience. She shows a commitment to the Bonner County community and its members, and has had a positive impact, such as in the areas of art, music, theater, dance, sports, education and service. She demonstrates dedicated leadership that results in admiration and respect from others. She is an inspiration to others and an example for future generations of women. She faces life’s challenges with grace and courage, and lives with dignity, integrity and honor.

The gala luncheon honoring the Women of Wisdom will be held today, May 7, at the Ponderay Event Center, at 11 a.m.

The 2022 Women Honoring Women committee members are: Sue Brooks, Kathy Chambers, Patti Clemens, Deanna Harris, Alana Hatcher, Julie Jurenka, Pat Lewis, Debbie Love, Leslie Marshall, Barb Merritt, Jeralyn Mire, Marlene Rorke, Ann Ross, Sandy Ross, Tina Sleyster, Diane Stockton, Sally Transue and Cherie Warber.