Saturday, June 01, 2024

Elect Mark Sauter to lead us forward

| May 10, 2022 1:00 AM

I am a man who believes in Jesus, the sanctity of life and the core principles authored by the Founding Fathers of this great republic. I also believe that we the people need representation that will support those values. What we do not need are representatives with an agenda or alliance to people or groups that stray outside those lines. What the great state of Idaho needs now is a proven leader. North Idaho needs Mark Sauter for Idaho House seat 1A.

Mark is a proven leader and community servant. Mark’s 30-year career as a fire chief and firefighter along with his experience in city management afford us the real leadership and representation this area needs for House seat 1A. Of all the candidate forums I have attended Mark has focused on the factual issues facing Idaho. Mark has not stooped to political mudslinging and pledging allegiance to other candidates, like some of his opponents. He sticks to the issues facing this state and all its people. Mark will operate in the framework of a traditional Republican and offer solutions and the demanding work necessary to understand and address those issues.

This election cycle may be the most important we have seen in this state in an exceptionally long time. It is time to elect an individual with the necessary credentials to represent the people of this state and lead us forward. That is why I’m casting my vote for Mark Sauter, House seat 1A.

