Saturday, June 01, 2024

Weiss is the balanced choice for District 1A

| May 10, 2022 1:00 AM

Recent ordeals and restrictions have exposed the worst factions of our politicians, bureaucrats, and citizenry. Idahoans were not spared the mental, emotional, and economic anguish. We lost our livelihoods, businesses, and more.

We the people need a proportionate response to government over-reach. Enough with States being coerced and gradually controlled by Fed’s gifting “carrots.” Loads of federal cash “carrots” are waved in states’ faces. “Strings” of legal verbosity are included where “the devil is in the details.” This is enforced with federal “sticks” of discipline compelling compliance with decrees which drag legislators and officials around by the nose.

“Decrees,” not congressional laws, have been enacted by overzealous leaders and bureaucratic “controllers” whose penchant is shifting our national consciousness and changing the “law of the land” in unimaginable ways.

Our founders wisely inserted a little known, additional check-and-balance into the U.S. Constitution. It allows the individual states to collectively take control back from an ineffectual Congress and unrestrained Fed. The Article 5 "Convention of the States" clause is we the people’s last constitutionally legal action against encroaching federal tyranny.

Cynthia Weiss has years of experience in business, education, and battling the "the Swamp.” Vote for Cynthia Weiss: the balanced choice for the Legislative District 1A seat to support states’ rights in education, economics, governance, the U.S. Constitution, and COS.

