Saturday, June 01, 2024

Reject those who are dividing us

| May 13, 2022 1:00 AM

I urge Republican primary voters to elect Luke Omodt and Jim Woodward.

Not only do they have substantial records of proven public service, they truly listen and consider all their constituents, regardless of ideology. They do in-depth research, have realistic policy proposals and take principled positions.

The opposition, particularly Scott Herndon and Rich Harter, have chosen the path of ad homonym attacks, innuendo, shallow caricature, virtue signaling and blatant mischaracterization, instead of actionable policy proposals addressing our real challenges. This not only speaks to their utter lack of vision for our community, but also to the absence of genuine leadership qualities Bonner County citizens deserve.

A house divided cannot stand. Reject those seeking to divide us and cast votes for those who will solve problems in good faith rather than create more by casting aspersions.

