Saturday, June 01, 2024

Service through solution-oriented leadership

| May 13, 2022 1:00 AM

All growth is not equal. Unhealthy growth leads to rural sprawl and the flight of our kids, workforce, and businesses to where they can afford their American dream. Disciplined growth leads to economic opportunity where our kids, workforce, and businesses find success and prosperity right here in Bonner County.

Pounding the table in frustration or trying to pave the whole county is not the path forward. Growth and change are here. In 2021, Idaho’s population grew by 2.9%, Bonner County solid waste processed 8% more garbage than in 2020; fuel costs are up by 40%, asphalt 20%, and inflation is up by 8.5%. If we want to maintain our roads, bridges, and public safety someone has to pay for it. Supply and demand are real and there is no such thing as a free lunch. We must manage growth to preserve and improve the lives of Bonner County residents today while planning for tomorrow.

I served the United States and Idaho for 23 years in uniform and now teach American government in an Idaho classroom. I speak first-hand about the importance of leadership and what it means to be an American. I’m running for Bonner County commissioner because I am committed to Bonner County; newcomers and old-timers alike. We need competent, experienced, and solution-oriented leadership.

We are blessed to live in Bonner County. Bonner County isn’t broken, but a tune-up is in order. Send me questions and challenge my positions at

