Saturday, June 01, 2024

Name-calling keeps facts from being heard

| May 19, 2022 1:00 AM

This letter is in response to Mr Santa's letter to the editor April 7. Mr Santa had numerous derogatory and disrespectful comments about President Trump and "Trumpsters." Name calling and sarcasm create emotionalism, and interfere with facts being heard. Under President Trump, the American economy blossomed. The unemployment rate in April 2019 was at its lowest since 1960s at 3.9%. America was virtually energy independent, causing gas prices to drop dramatically. President Trump set firm limits with China, Korea, Iran, Cuba, Syria and Russia. He greatly reduced illegal crossings into our Southern border, and facilitated a peace treaty in the Middle East.

In contrast, when President Biden took office, he signed an executive order to end the Keystone pipeline, driving the cost of fuel to rise to its current prices. Next, this country watched billions of dollars of military equipment and resources, as well as American soldiers' lives, be lost to the Afghanistan conflict. President Biden has mandated forced Covid vaccines and masks in the workplace, despite Pfizer report evidence that natural immunity is effective, and vaccines for variants have less efficiency than initially believed. He has removed personal choice for vaccine decisions from individuals. Americans are watching a war erupt between Ukraine and Russia, a war which threatens potential American involvement. Inflation has risen above 9%, and our Southern border will soon be flooded by undocumented non-citizens if Title 42 is repealed. On May 22, President Biden said, “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.” He is promoting a digital currency to replace our current system, and each person will be surveilled and directed in their spending decisions.

