Saturday, June 01, 2024

Biden administration is a danger to the world

| May 29, 2022 1:00 AM

The Biden administration is not only a danger to the security of our nation but also a danger to the security of the world in my opinion.

This administration is not only allowing millions of criminals to enter the United States but he’s also allowing fentanyl to pour over the border which in turn is killing 100,000 US citizens a year. This is criminal. It is the same as knowingly allowing all of those deaths to occur with no consequences. If this administration executed 100,000 citizens what would we do? When is enough enough. This in my opinion is what happens as the result of a corrupt election. You now got stuck with the president who doesn’t know how to get off the stage any vice president who can’t put two sentences together that anyone can make sense of leaders of other countries don’t even answer or return calls to Biden.

Elections have consequences and unfortunately this is the worst result possible.

Hey Joe you’re the tough guy right, you took those bullies behind the stadium after school. Tough Guy where are the offensive lethal weapons that the Ukrainians need to defeat evil? Oh that’s right you have to assess all the Ukraine deaths first.

No one can actually believe 81 million people voted for this. The first American president not to protect our border from invasion purposely taking our nation from energy independence to begging our enemies for oil.

God help the Ukrainians because Biden won’t. What’s Putin got on you, Joe? Where is Hunter?

