Saturday, June 01, 2024

Not my circus, not my monkey?

| May 29, 2022 1:00 AM

The news continues to tell us about the tragedies in Ukraine, in South America, in the Middle East, in Africa, and right here in North Idaho.

Drug overdose deaths, orphaned children, murder and abuse and scapegoating on vulnerable groups. Is it true that this is not my circus and these are not my people? Might someone in the homeless encampment be a relative or a potential friend? Might the gay elementary student being bullied in the playground be worthy of my compassion? Are we are our brothers’ keepers?

Perhaps John Donne was correct a couple hundred years ago when he said: “No person is an island, complete unto themselves. Each of us is part of the main. So do not ask for whom the death bell tolls. It tolls for me.”

