Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon received the most primary votes

| October 2, 2022 1:00 AM

I would like to address the letter submitted by Kathy Larson, in which she states, "Scott Herndon won the primary for Idaho Senate by 12% of less than 50% of the registered voters in Bonner County."

As Mark Twain said, "there are lies, damned lies and statistics." Scott Herndon won the election by receiving the most votes of the people in Bonner County that voted in the primary election on May 17, 2022.

Ms. Larson, you obviously have never bothered to speak to Scott Herndon, he will talk to you anytime, anyplace, about his political opinions and beliefs. I know, because I have spoken to him. He doesn't have "handlers" who tell him what to say.

You don't like the results of the primary, so you're going to introduce someone that you've managed to pull from the shadows. Someone who never spoke publicly about his beliefs, someone who did not take part in the elective process in Bonner County. Did you think you and Jim Woodward had it all sewn up?

You didn't, and I personally am very happy with my choice of Scott Herndon. Mr. Herndon, bon voyage and best wishes representing us in Boise.

