Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon represents North Idaho's values

| October 4, 2022 1:00 AM

The tax-and-spend Democrats, their secret allies here in North Idaho, and their big corporate allies down in Boise are at it again. They’re spending a lot of money to try and distract us from the fact that Scott Herndon represents true North Idaho values. Scott believes in defending the right to life, liberty, property, and safety for everyone in the state. He believes in small limited government. And he believes that government should be fiscally conservative.

As a state senator, Herndon will fight for small business owners, farmers, and working people. As a small business owner in this community, this is of vital importance to me. He knows that taxing and spending to “redistribute” our earnings for the sake of “equity,” or to promote liberal values is the wrong policy for North Idaho. Scott Herndon knows that we want to see our country get back to the principles on which it was founded with “liberty and justice for all.”

If you want to see that too, vote for Scott Herndon to represent North Idaho in the Senate

