Saturday, June 01, 2024

Write in Steve Johnson for Idaho Senate

| October 4, 2022 1:00 AM

On Nov. 8, 2022, Idaho voters will choose candidates to represent them at the county, legislative districts and state levels. These are important decisions. However, all too often these positions are chosen based on tradition or party label. That should not be the case.

Let’s look at the last primaries. On the GOP slate we had an incumbent who was doing his best to represent the majority of his constituents, be they Republican, independent or Democrat. In the opinion of most he was doing a good job fairly representing North Idaho.

His opponent ran on a platform that catered to a minuscule number of far-right voters. Since only registered Republicans could vote in the closed primary and only the truly dedicated vote in the primary, the incumbent lost.

For years now, the Idaho Republican Party has squeezed out independent and nonaffiliated voters to the detriment of the majority of Idahoans. We can change that this November. There is an independent write-in candidate who would better represent a broader spectrum of Idahoans than the GOP senate candidate.

Those who aren’t committed to a label should write the name Steve Johnson as the write-in candidate for the Idaho Senate this November. Let’s have majority rule.

