Saturday, June 01, 2024

Complex fire activity slows

Staff Writer | October 8, 2022 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Some of the gear is coming out.

In areas around properties where the threat is significantly reduced, Bonners Ferry Ranger District officials said on Kootenai River Complex fire crews will begin removing structure protection equipment where it is no longer needed.

"Crews will communicate with property owners as this occurs," BFRD officials said.

While equipment will be pulled from some area, they said hoses, pumps and sprinklers will remain around properties that could still be impacted.

Because of the shorter days, lower temperatures, and higher daytime humidity, fire activity on the Kootenai River Complex has decreased.

While equipment will be pulled from some area, hoses, pumps and sprinklers will remain around properties that could still be impacted.

"However, a season-ending event has not yet occurred, and fire remains on the landscape," ranger district officials said. "Expect to see continued smoke until the snow falls or significant rain occurs."

As expected, officials said Tuesday's warmer, drier weather led to a slight increase in fire activity. Fire managers continue to check all areas of the fire and said helicopters will be utilized to drop water to cool the fire's edge where needed.

In addition, a fuel break along the dozer line on Clark Creek has been completed and water bars added to the Ball Creek and Clark Creek handlines to prevent erosion.

"Firefighters are gridding to check for and cool the remaining heat in areas where the fire has burned to the control line," ranger district officials said. "Crews continue to check the firelines and test pumps and sprinkler systems."

While the Long Canyon and Katka fires showed a slight uptick in fire behavior, it was not enough to cause concern. The fires remain unstaffed, and firefighters continue to monitor them from the air and lookout points. 

And while the threat is lower, area residents should know that closures on the Bonners Ferry Ranger District remain in place. The main fire's closure area runs from Long Canyon Trail No. 16 north of the complex to Cascade Creek Road No. 2411 on the south. Trails 182 and 143 remain closed for the Katka Fire.

"These closures are for public and firefighter safety and will be assessed throughout the duration of the fires and into winter and spring," officials said. "Fire and post-fire hazards may remain, and the USFS will make notifications as status changes occur."

The fire has burned an estimated 22,787 acres.

Diamond Watch Fire

Efforts are being taken to keep the Diamond Watch Fire from crossing roads on the south, east, west of the fire as well as at Diamond Creek on the north edge of the fire, officials said.

Since started by a lightning strike in mid-July, the Diamond Watch fire, has burned 1,220 acres. Located 5.5 miles due west of Nordman, the fire has 16 fire personnel assigned to the fire.

Columbus and Bear Gulch Fires

Located 6 miles northeast of Murray, the Columbus Fire has burned 2,298 acres and is 0% contained. The fire is straddling the Idaho/Montana corner near the Columbus Creek drainage

Located 6 miles east of Murray, the Bear Gulch Fire has burned 144 acres since being sparked by lightning in mid-August.

Fire officials expect containment of both fires by late October.

Closure, evacuations and information

• On the Kootenai River Complex, the following Forest Service trails and roads are closed: Ball Creek Road (FR 432), Trout Creek Road (FR 634), Russell Mountain (No. 12), Russell Ridge (No. 92), Ball and Pyramid Lakes (No. 43), Pyramid Pass (No. 13), Pyramid Peak (No. 7), Fisher Peak (No. 27), Trout Lake (No. 41), McGinty Ridge (No. 143), Clifty Mountain and Clifty/Burrow (No. 182), Myrtle Peak Trail (No. 286), and Burton Peak Trail (No. 9). Westside Road is limited to residents only.

• On the Diamond Watch Fire, closure orders are in effect for Forest Service roads 311, 308, and 1362H in the vicinity of the fire. However, FSR 1362 remains open. Petit Lake and is associated campsites are within the closure area.

Some camping areas along the southwest portion of Sullivan Creek Road have been notified that they are on a “set” be ready evacuation status and should be ready to leave if asked by local authorities.

• On the Coeur d'Alene Ranger District, closures include Trail 148 along Casper Creek, Trail 7 from the intersection with Trail 774 to Thompson Pass, Trail 1107 near the state line, Trail 763 near the state line, Forest Service Road 938, FSR 430 and FSR 604CZ.

• All methods of travel are prohibited (foot, mechanized, motorized and stock) on the closed roads and area.

• A temporary flight restriction is in place on the Katka Fire as well as on Scotch Creek, Russell Mountain, Eneas Peak and Trout fires. As a reminder, civilian drones are not allowed around active fires. Flying drones near an emergency scene is against the law and forces fire crews to ground their flights.
