Saturday, June 01, 2024

A few thoughts on streets, politics

| October 9, 2022 1:00 AM

Sandpoint's street maintenance is abysmal, almost nonexistent. Unswept street leads to clogged storm drains, un-repaired street damage leads to street replacement. Most damage has existed years.

The last two years under President Joe Biden's control have been disastrous, most of Biden's decisions have been irresponsible and ill-advised.

During the Democrat's six-year persecution of President Donald Trump, the Democrats proved they will stop at nothing to prevent Trump's re-election. The legislation the Democrats have passed, just before election, is to buy votes.

The avalanche of illegal border crossings resulted from Biden's "open border policy." Allowing illegal aliens to remain in the U.S encourages increasing illegal entries. Immigration laws must be strictly enforced, illegal aliens are criminals and must be deported ASAP.

The high inflation rate resulted from high fuel prices. Raising interest rates only adds to inflation. The Democrats are using high fuel prices to promote electric vehicle purchases. The battery technology in electric vehicles is faulty and a proven fire hazard. Use of electric vehicles will further overload and already overloaded electrical grid.

